My second unannounced hiatus from the blog has concluded, and over 5 months after my last activity here I’m dusting off the Frugal Flannel servers.
One thing is for sure, 2020 will be a memorable year! Now that we’re putting it in the rearview mirror, it’s time for my twice-annual spending review and financial health checkup!
I don’t believe in completely automating my finances. Paying regular attention to your money is the key to building a strong foundation on the path to FIRE. The good news is, taking care of my essential personal finance tasks only costs me 15 minutes per month.
Will the FOMO peddlers be right, that if you don’t buy now and get on the property ladder, you will be priced out of the housing market forever?
My 3D printer has saved me over $20 in the past couple weeks. This thing must be a money saving machine, right?
There’s evidence that shopping and spending money stimulates the dopamine reward pathways in our brains. So is there a way to hijack your brain’s circuitry and train yourself to love saving money instead?
Over my entire career, the only international equity fund offered in my retirement plan has been a fund that tracks the MSCI EAFE. For those of us wishing to invest for maximum diversification, this represents a problem — that index covers less than 60% of the total international stock market!
Getting rid of this $523.51 car payment represents an absolutely massive 18.4% reduction in expenses. I can’t wait to see the effects of this on my savings rate and the growth of my investment portfolio!
For my first ever attempt at churning, the introductory offer for the Chase Freedom Unlimited credit card was too good to pass up. It has a high payout with easy requirements.
Sharing some of my lessons learned from my past financial mistakes that shaped my philosophy around car ownership and money in general.